
April 11, 2024
The former Google CEO has repeatedly called China’s AI ambitions a threat to the U.S. His personal investments reveal a much friendlier stance.
August 27, 2024

YouTube restricted firearms content for users under 18. But teens still have access to prohibited videos.

June 5, 2024

YouTube Puts Age Restrictions on Gun Videos

May 21, 2024

Silicon Valley Rep. Ro Khanna convened a meeting of academics ‘ignored’ in the debate over AI. More than two-thirds of them had ties to Big Tech that Khanna did not disclose.

September 27, 2023

Some social media platforms are potentially profiting from advertisement placements alongside searches for hate groups and extremists, according to a new review by the Anti-Defamation League and the Tech Transparency Project.

September 20, 2023

YouTube Gives Option to Disable Video Recommendations

July 13, 2023

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt helped shape legislation to expand the U.S. semiconductor industry. Now, his network of investments is poised to benefit from the new stream of government funding.

February 6, 2023

Crisis pregnancy centers pose as abortion clinics but push an anti-abortion message. Google is helping them reach their target audience of low-income women.

December 20, 2022

An obscure program linked to the former Google CEO has placed at least 24 people inside key federal agencies. Some of them explicitly identify themselves as Schmidt fellows.

November 7, 2022

Google says it’s committed to connecting voters with accurate information. But the company is again allowing misleading ads to target people searching for how to vote.

September 28, 2022

Google’s ad policies prohibit misrepresentation that can deceive users. But the company is allowing “crisis pregnancy centers” to run ads that falsely suggest they offer abortions—to lure unsuspecting users.

July 21, 2022

Google has banned some ‘stalkerware’ apps. But the company makes it alarmingly easy to use its tools and apps to track the location of other users, creating new risks in the post-Roe era

July 13, 2022

Americans want to know more about Biden’s student loan forgiveness plans. But Google is hitting them with scam ads when they search for information on the topic.

May 28, 2022

Google is unpopular with Democrats in control of Washington. But it’s still trying to steer the debate about Big Tech—by quietly building a force of progressive policy influencers.

May 25, 2022

Former Google head has assembled a secretive fund with Washington insiders to help direct US national security investments—potentially to his own benefit.

May 13, 2022

YouTube Hosts Hundreds of Militia Videos, Fueling Extremist Movement

May 5, 2022

YouTube Kids says it provides age-appropriate content to children. But the platform continues to allow harmful videos to reach its vulnerable young audience.

January 11, 2022

Academic Paper Citation Network (Partial)

October 24, 2021

New TTP research shows how YouTube’s recommendation algorithm locks users into ideological echo chambers. It’s more intense for people who watch Fox News.

August 10, 2021

Google, Facebook, and Amazon have built massive influence operations, in part by funding an array of third-party groups. A new tool from TTP shows where the tech money is going.

July 1, 2021

As Facebook and Google come under pressure on privacy and antitrust, they often deploy hand-picked small businesses to push back. A plumbing company makes repeat appearances.

June 1, 2021

YouTube said it would remove disinformation about Covid-19 vaccines. But TTP found that videos spreading false vaccine claims are circulating freely on the platform.

March 12, 2021

A TTP investigation shows how deeply Big Tech-funded George Mason University has infiltrated the Federal Trade Commission, which is tasked with protecting consumers and promoting competition in the industry.

December 22, 2020

YouTube announced it would take down new videos spreading false claims about widespread voter fraud. More than a week later, violations are rampant.

October 5, 2020

Google said it removed scam ads aimed at people seeking information on how to vote. Three months later, with the November election looming, the problem persists.

September 8, 2020

Google executives needed a fighter jet to meet the terms of a special deal giving them access a NASA airfield near the company’s headquarters. The jet crashed, but the deal carried on.

July 22, 2020

Google quit China in 2010 over censorship and human rights concerns. But flight data show how its executives continued to seek a foothold in the Chinese market.

July 13, 2020

Google planes have shuttled guests each summer to a secretive gathering of policymakers and celebrities in Big Sky country, where the search giant can quietly push its corporate agenda.

July 9, 2020

Methodology and Plane Ownership

June 29, 2020

Google says it’s protecting people from harm and abuse during elections. But it’s helping scammers target Americans as they search for information on voting.

June 16, 2020

Google’s policies bar misleading and fraudulent advertising. But the company is serving up scam ads when people search for information about coronavirus relief funds.

June 1, 2020

Google promised to combat misinformation about Covid-19. But the company is making money off coronavirus hoax sites that use its ad tools.

April 15, 2020

Facebook and Google executives have expressed horror at gun massacres. But their companies continued to reap the benefits of NRA advertising.

April 3, 2020

YouTube ran ads on videos promoting sham remedies like herbs and smoothies. Advertisers included Facebook and the Trump campaign.

February 18, 2020

Tech-funded Voices Dominate DOJ Panel on Key Internet Law

December 20, 2019

A remarkable confluence of interests has funneled millions to a roster of conservative and libertarian policy groups, all working to protect Google and its profits from regulation.

October 29, 2019

Google’s Defense of Immunity Law Gets a Boost From Company-Funded Allies

October 9, 2019

Whenever Google is caught doing something dubious, even “evil,” its response is always the same: It’s someone else’s fault.

October 9, 2019

Google says it’s trying to help newsrooms around the world. Where exactly is it putting its millions and what does it want in return?

August 19, 2019

The chairman of the Senate antitrust subcommittee used to be one of Google’s chief Republican antagonists. What changed?

July 16, 2019

A group of small businesses called 3C is rallying to Big Tech’s defense. Evidence suggests it's not organic.

March 28, 2019

How the Tech Giant Used its Washington Ties to Advance its Business Interests Around the Globe

January 15, 2019

Sidestepping school authorities, Google directly enlisted teachers to promote their products in the classroom, securing a valuable, lifetime supply of student data 

December 9, 2018

We’ve built a simple browser extension that shows you anytime Google is monitoring you.

November 1, 2018

Silence on journalist’s killing highlights deep business interests in Gulf state

September 26, 2018

Google's multi-million-dollar payments to media organizations are redefining journalism

September 12, 2018

A third of speakers have financial ties to Google, either directly or through their employer. The FTC has not disclosed those ties to attendees.

September 4, 2018

How to Sow Discord Using Google and $100 (or 6,800 rubles)

May 22, 2018

The Lobbyist in the Garage

March 15, 2018

Google has spent millions of euros funding European academics to write papers on digital policy, bankrolling university institutes and think-tanks in London, Berlin, Brussels, Paris and Warsaw

October 30, 2017

How Google Makes Millions Off of Fake News

September 27, 2017

Google has enlisted its broad network of paid policy groups to fight legislation that would remove a legal shield for websites that knowingly profit from child sex-trafficking.

August 22, 2017

Google is quietly using a renegotiation of a free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada to push for the inclusion of a controversial provision of U.S. law that has shielded child sex-trafficking sites from prosecution.

July 11, 2017

Google has paid scholars millions to produce hundreds of papers supporting its policy interests, following in the footsteps of the oil and tobacco industries

June 27, 2017

Google ingratiates itself with the Trump Administration... While cashing in on the resistance

January 25, 2017

Investigating Google's European Revolving Door

January 11, 2017

PrivacyCon Update: More Disclosure of Google Funding

November 22, 2016

Google's Support for Hillary Clinton

November 8, 2016

As a "father of the Internet," Vint Cerf enjoys extraordinary access to top policymakers. But whose interests is he advancing?

September 29, 2016

Google-sponsored interviews of political leaders blur the line between journalism and lobbying

September 13, 2016

Google Enlisted Obama Officials to Lobby States on Driverless Cars

August 10, 2016

Google executives and nonprofits they funded dominated US delegation. Company maneuvered behind scenes with White House to derail State Department diplomatic effort

July 19, 2016

Nearly all failed to disclose funding to attendees

June 4, 2016

Analysis finds 80 revolving door moves between Google and European governments

April 28, 2016

GTP to release thousands of pages of government documents detailing Google's influence

April 26, 2016

The Intercept previews GTP data in "The Android Administration"

April 26, 2016

Four White House officials met with Google representatives within two years of leaving the company

April 26, 2016

Project Compiles Data on Google’s Influence on Government and Makes It Searchable and Accessible to the Public

April 26, 2016

Google’s chairman has acted as Obama’s chief corporate supporter. He has also received unrivaled access to top policymakers

April 26, 2016

Google helped the White House get its message out. It also appears to have planted questions on policy issues crucial to its business

April 26, 2016

Google employees played a central role in creating the US Digital Service, raising questions about the procurement process, inside-knowledge and user privacy

April 26, 2016

Schmidt’s investment in the Obama campaign’s big data braintrust provided benefits to the White House on healthcare reform, while further expanding his access and influence

April 26, 2016

Google’s 'Ambassador' to the White House enjoys unrivaled access

April 12, 2016

Did the company observe rules when hiring a senior road safety official?

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October 7, 2024

Meta prohibits ads that sell guns and gun accessories. But it’s allowing ads on Facebook and Instagram that offer a range of firearms for sale.

September 18, 2024

Facebook says it’s committed to protecting election integrity. But it’s allowing users to buy and sell accounts that can run political ads under a fake identity.

August 27, 2024

YouTube restricted firearms content for users under 18. But teens still have access to prohibited videos.

August 6, 2024

The Apple CEO has long acted as Apple’s top lobbyist in dealing with governments around the world. Now he’s ramping up his efforts as Apple contends with an unprecedented wave of lawsuits, investigations, and regulatory pressure.

July 31, 2024

Meta says it prohibits ads that sell prescription and recreational drugs. But it’s approving drug dealer ads targeting users in multiple countries.

April 11, 2024

The former Google CEO has repeatedly called China’s AI ambitions a threat to the U.S. His personal investments reveal a much friendlier stance.

February 14, 2024

The U.S. imposes sanctions on individuals, groups, and countries deemed to be a threat to national security. Elon Musk’s X appears to be selling premium service to some of them.