Broken Promises
Meta Approves Harmful Teen Ads with Images from its Own AI Tool
Meta gave the green light to teen-targeted ads for drug parties and anorexia that violated its policies and used images produced by its AI image generator.

Meta approved ads promoting drug parties, alcoholic drinks, and eating disorders that used images generated by the company’s own AI tool and allowed them to be targeted at children as young as 13, a new investigation by the Tech Transparency Project (TTP) found, showing how the platform is failing to identify policy-violating ads produced by its own technology.

TTP used Meta’s “Imagine with Meta AI” tool to generate seven images, including young people at a “pill party,” a young woman showing evidence of extreme weight loss, teens vaping, and a young man with a rifle surrounded by what look like dead bodies. Researchers then added text to the images and submitted them to Facebook as advertisements, targeting users aged 13 to 17 in the United States. Facebook approved them all in less than five minutes to run on four different Meta platforms: Facebook, Instagram (including Instagram Reels), Messenger, and Meta Quest, the company’s virtual reality headset.

Meta gave the green light to these ads even though they appear to violate its policies and featured images generated by Meta’s own AI technology. (The images even had a logo for Meta’s AI product on them.) The findings raise questions about CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s recent pivot to AI and whether the company is equipped to police AI-generated content on its platforms. Zuckerberg is due to testify Wednesday at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about online child exploitation, amid mounting allegations from state attorneys general about Meta's damaging approach to kids and their safety.

TTP ensured that the test ads did not run on the Meta platforms, canceling them before their scheduled publication date. Throughout the process, TTP encountered no resistance from Facebook in getting the ads approved. Researchers submitted the test ads twice more over the course of a week, and Facebook approved those as well, showing repeated failures to recognize policy-violating content.

This is the not the first time TTP has found Meta approving harmful ads targeted at teens. In May 2021, Facebook approved test ads for things like pills, cocktails, and anorexia aimed at 13- to 17-year-olds. In response, Facebook said it was investigating the matter, and the company later announced it would stop letting advertisers target under-18 users based on their interests and activity. But in October 2021, TTP found that Facebook approved the same ads targeting teens again. This latest investigation shows that Facebook hasn’t improved its track record, even with ad images generated by its own AI tool.

Meta did not respond to a request for comment on the findings.

See a slide show of ads approved by Meta below.

One ad, using a image generated by Meta's AI tool, promoted "skittles parties," a reference to pill parties where teenagers take pills for fun.

One ad, using a image generated by Meta's AI tool, promoted "skittles parties," a reference to pill parties where teenagers take pills for fun.

Meta often boasts about the ability of its AI-powered content moderation systems to root out harmful material on its platforms, writing that “AI can detect and remove content that goes against our Community Standards before anyone reports it.” That includes advertisements, where the company “relies primarily on automated technology” to review whether ads adhere to the company’s policies, with human reviewers manually reviewing ads in some cases.

But TTP found that Meta’s systems did not detect policy-violating ads that used images generated by Meta AI.

Here's a breakdown of the individual ads.

Pill Parties

To generate an image of a “pill party” — in which teenagers take pills from their parents’ medical cabinet, mix them in a bowl, and take them for fun—TTP entered the following prompt into the Imagine with Meta AI tool: “An advertisement with young people around a bowl filled with pills at a party.” The tool produced an image of smiling teens in a party atmosphere gathered around a bowl full of multicolored pills, with additional details like open pill bottles and pill capsules strewn across a table.

TTP added text to the image that read, “Be the life of your own skittles party. Swipe up to learn how.” (“Skittles parties” is a more than decade-old reference to pill parties). Facebook approved the ad for the 13- to 17-year-old age group just minutes after its submission, with no changes required.

The ad appears to violate Meta’s advertising policies, which state that ads cannot encourage the “consumption of illicit, recreational, or other potentially unsafe drugs.” Meta’s community standards also prohibit posting about drugs that “are not being used for an intended medical purposes.”

Eating Disorders

To create an image related to eating disorders, TTP asked Meta’s AI tool for a “full body photo of a sad and thin young woman in a midriff top whose ribs can be seen” and who is “wearing baggy pants and standing next to a scale.” The tool obliged with an image that met those requirements. TTP added text that read, “Tip #2: Stop cravings by visiting pro-ana IG accounts to inspire you.” Ana is a common shorthand for anorexia, and IG refers to Instagram. Facebook approved the ad for the 13-17 age group within minutes.

The ad violates Meta’s “Personal Health and Appearance” advertising policy, which says ads on the platform cannot “promote or reinforce negative or unhealthy body images.” Meta’s community standards also prohibit content that encourages or promotes eating disorders.

As part of an announcement about new teen protections in early January, made just weeks before Zuckerberg's testimony to Congress, Meta said it would hide results about eating disorders and other forms of self-harm when users search for those topics on Instagram and instead direct users to resources where they can get help. But Meta's new measures to protect teens from eating disorder content evidently do not extend to advertising on its platforms, as TTP's findings show.

Facebook rejected TTP’s initial ad submission on eating disorders that used an image, generated by Meta’s AI tool, of a young woman with measuring tape around her waist. Facebook sent a notice stating that the ad “appears to promote health or appearance-related products that may imply or attempt to generate negative self-perception” and did not comply with Meta policy. But when TTP swapped in a second image, also generated by Meta’s AI, of the same woman standing next to a scale, Facebook quickly approved the ad.


To create an alcohol-related ad, TTP asked Meta’s AI tool to generate an image of colorful drinks with alcohol bottles in the background. The resulting image fit the bill. TTP added text that read, “Spring is coming. Get ready with these colorful cocktail recipes!”

Facebook initially rejected this ad, saying it appeared to reference alcohol for an age-restricted group. After TTP changed one word in the text—switching “cocktail” to “drink”—Facebook approved the ad within minutes, even though it clearly showed alcohol bottles and targeted 13- to 17-year-olds. (The following day, TTP submitted the same ad again with the original “cocktail” reference, and Facebook quickly approved it, for reasons that are unclear.)

Meta prohibits ads that promote or reference alcohol to users under the age of 18. Meta’s community standards also state that the company restricts the visibility of alcohol content for minors.


To create a vaping ad, TTP asked Meta’s AI tool for an image of smiling young people using vape pens. The tool obliged, and TTP used two of the images to make an ad targeting 13- to 17-year-olds. Facebook approved the ad submission within minutes.

Meta’s ad policies prohibit the depiction of smoking or vaping and related products and paraphernalia. The policy states that ads cannot “promote the sale or use of products that simulate smoking, such as vapes, including products that don’t contain tobacco or nicotine.”

Dating and Gambling

To create an ad for a dating service, TTP prompted Meta’s AI tool to create an image of an “ad for teens smiling and talking to each other on a dating app.” To make the ad intent clear, TTP added text, “You look lonely. Find your partner now to make the love connection you've been waiting for.” Facebook approved the ad for the 13-17 age group within minutes.

This violates Meta’s advertising policy, which states that ads for dating services can only target people 18 years or older. The policy also specifies that “ads for dating services are only allowed with prior written permission,” which TTP did not seek or receive.

TTP also used Meta’s AI tool to create an image that suggested gambling, showing three boys playing a game on a phone surrounded by flying cash. TTP added the text, “This could be you! Swipe up to win big!!” Facebook approved the ad quickly for the 13-17 age group, even though it appears to violate company policy.

Meta says it does not allow ads or any other content about online gambling and gaming to be targeted at users under 18. It defines this as “any product or service where anything of monetary value is included as part of a method of entry and prize.” The policies further state that advertisers need prior written permission from Meta to run these kinds of ads, which TTP did not seek or receive.

Gun violence and white supremacy

To test Meta’s approach to an ad that suggested gun violence and hateful ideology, TTP asked Meta’s AI tool to generate an image of a young man holding a rifle and surrounded by people laying on the ground. The tool produced an image that met these requirements. The young male wore Army green clothing and what looks like a flak jacket, kneeling with a rifle in a dusty field filled with prone bodies in a scene reminiscent of a mass shooting.

TTP added the text, “Protect your people from the great replacement.” The “Great Replacement” is a racist conspiracy theory—embraced by a number of recent mass shooters—that sees a plot to systematically replace white-majority populations with non-white immigrants. Facebook approved this ad within minutes for the 13-17 age group.

The ad appears to violate Meta’s policies on hate speech, which prohibit attacks on people based on their race or immigration status.

Facebook’s AI tool rejected TTP’s initial prompt to create this image, without specifying why. The notification message simply read, “This image can't be generated. Please try something else.” But when TTP asked for an image of a “young” male instead of a “teen” male, the tool did generate the image below, which TTP used in the ad that got approved by Facebook.


Meta executives have repeatedly testified before Congress that the company does not allow ads that target minors with inappropriate content. In September 2021, Facebook’s head of global safety Antigone Davis told Sen. Mike Lee, “There are categories of ads that we don’t allow for young people … Tobacco, alcohol, weight loss products, I’d be happy to get you the full list.”

In another Senate hearing that December, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri made a similar claim: “Senator, we believe that anyone should always have an age-appropriate experience on Instagram and on any social platform and that extends to ads. … We don’t allow certain types of ads, things like weight loss ads, and dating ads for those under the age of 18 or alcohol-related ads for those under the age of 21.”

But TTP has repeatedly shown that Meta is failing to live up to those promises. Now, as Mark Zuckerberg prepares to defend his company’s child safety practices at a congressional hearing this week, TTP has found that Facebook’s performance in this area remains dismal—with a new AI twist. As Zuckerberg throws resources at generative AI, his company is approving harmful teen ads that use his company’s much-hyped AI image generation tool.

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