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The Tech Transparency Project is compiling in one place all communications between Google executives and US and European officials available through open-records requests. As of December 2016, this collection contains more than 43,000 pages of material. Let us know what you find by contacting us or tweeting it with the hashtag #TheGooglePapers. Researchers: Let us know if you have any documents you’d like to add to the collection.

Federal Agencies

State Governments

European Agencies



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October 7, 2024

Meta prohibits ads that sell guns and gun accessories. But it’s allowing ads on Facebook and Instagram that offer a range of firearms for sale.

September 18, 2024

Facebook says it’s committed to protecting election integrity. But it’s allowing users to buy and sell accounts that can run political ads under a fake identity.

August 27, 2024

YouTube restricted firearms content for users under 18. But teens still have access to prohibited videos.

August 6, 2024

The Apple CEO has long acted as Apple’s top lobbyist in dealing with governments around the world. Now he’s ramping up his efforts as Apple contends with an unprecedented wave of lawsuits, investigations, and regulatory pressure.