Dangerous by Design
Fundraising for Hate: Platforms’ Revenue-Generating Opportunities
Major social media platforms are not only hosting hate groups that violate their policies, but at times helping these groups generate streams of revenue to support their movements, a new review by ADL and Tech Transparency Project (TTP) found.

Antisemitic and white supremacist groups and their supporters are using Facebook Pages, Instagram profiles, YouTube channels, and X accounts to raise money for their causes, according to a new review by ADL and Tech Transparency Project (TTP). Our findings highlight where these companies are falling short on their promises to moderate hate groups and how they are even, at times, providing tools to facilitate fundraising efforts. 

We found that dozens of accounts, including some whose very existence violates platforms’ policies, are using social media to direct people to outside hate group websites; these sites solicit donations, sell memberships, or hawk hate-related merchandise like books, mugs, and T-shirts. Much of this activity is taking place in plain sight. In some instances, the companies’ own products are helping hate groups achieve greater fundraising reach. In one case, a hate group installed a “Shop Now” button on its Facebook Page. In another, on YouTube, a channel with “Ku Klux Klan” in its name was able to display a donation link on its cover photo of a Confederate flag.  

Read the full report here.

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